Raid Land Wiki

From the dark abyss of Xolkaan comes ... the VʘIÐ Clan! A new shadow rises, we are all seeing and all knowing, enemies of the VʘIÐ beware!


VOID[ | ]

In the earliest days of humanity, a dark and evil God, Xolkaan the dastardly, attempted to form a servant out of Shadow smoke. When he tried, however, he misspoke the words to the spell and summoned an ancient power known only as the VOID. Watching a storm form on the horizon, Xolkaan received a vision, he saw that what he formed would be all powerful, and would destroy all in its path. In the final moments of his mortal life, before the void consumed him, only then did he truly see what he had become. Unstoppable.

What was formed from the body of the celestial being would become worshipped, each person attempting to harness its powers by contacting the Lord of the Abyss. Those who succeeded would be consumed into the void and would add to its growing power. When stories arrived in Elderfall telling of a land filled by Brutes consumed by the void, many began to be infused by the void, a little of its power being transported into each of its hosts.

These hosts were filled with a dark force and from that dark powers would manifest...

more on VʘIÐ:

The Legend Of Zĕmia by King Teo (VOIDkingteo)

The Crown Prince by Kazmuk, written by Jay Marvel.
